速報APP / 工具 / Sound Meter "dB" : Decibel meter & Noise

Sound Meter "dB" : Decibel meter & Noise





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Sound Meter

dB Meter is full of features sound level meter with exclusive accuracy of measurements calibrated with professional decibel meter.

Sound Meter is also known as sound level meter, decibel (dB) meter, noise meter, sound pressure level(SPL) meter

The world is a noisy place: cars, power tools, crowds, machinery, and other common sources produce amounts of noise that can, with continued exposure, lead to permanent hearing loss. Sound level meters are useful for anyone who wants to avoid exposing their ears to harmful noise levels, but who wants to spend hundreds of dollars on one?

Sound Meter

Sound meter app uses your microphone to measure noise volume in decibels(dB).With this app, you can easily measure the current level of environmental noise. The best helper to detect noise.

Sound meter Features:

- Indicates decibel by gauge

Sound Meter

- Display the current noise reference

- Display min/avg/max decibel values

- Display decibel by graph, easy to understand

Sound Meter

- Can calibrate the decibel for each devices

Levels of Noise In decibels (dB) according to American Academy of audiology, From 0 dB to 150 dB between the division, for example: 60 dB is "Normal conversation ".

The high decibel value will be harmful to your physical and mental health and hearing function. You'd better avoid exposure in noisy environments.To protect your and your family's health, detect the decibel value now!

Sound Meter

(Please note that dB Meter sound & noise level meter app is not a replacement for professional sound level meter devices and should be used for personal purposes only.)

Sound Meter